
The effect of the alpha chamber as a medium for modeling golf performance

Nyhus, Susan Billek.   The University of Utah ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  1992. 9307302.

Abstract (summary)

This quasi-experimental study sought to evaluate two types of media for modeling golf performance. The three groups (n = 9 per group) consisted of an alpha chamber group, a regular video group, and a control group. Videotaped presentations of an expert model and a self model performing the same type of golf shot were shown in both experimental groups at six intervention times. The alpha chamber group viewed the model and themselves via the sophisticated alpha chamber system, whereas the video group were presented the same expert model and themselves via an ordinary videotape player and television (i.e., VCR unit). It was predicted: (a) the alpha group would perform better than the video and control groups on performance, psychological, and behavioral variables, and (b) the video group would perform better than the control group on performance, psychological, and behavioral variables. Underlying these predictions was the assumption that the alpha chamber group would have the opportunity to receive more enriched stimuli to aid them in modeling the skill of the expert than those in the regular video group. It was also predicted that the video group would show support for basic modeling research by performing better than the control group.

Performance, psychological, and behavioral criteria served as the dependent variables and were measured before and after the intervention. After the study, all subjects also completed a demographic questionnaire. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVAs to identify statistical differences between the groups.

Results did not support the hypotheses. The alpha, video, and control groups all performed slightly better during the postintervention measurement, and the results of the demographic questionnaire showed that all subjects increased their awareness of certain aspects of their golf performance. The two treatment groups reported perceived improvement over the course of the study. These results were discussed in terms of research significance and practical application to real golf performance.

The implications of these findings were discussed and it was concluded that research on the alpha chamber should not be abandoned. Specific recommendations were made for methodological changes to improve future research applications of modeling theory.

Indexing (details)

Physical education;
Educational psychology;
0523: Physical education
0525: Educational psychology
0621: Psychology
Identifier / keyword
Education; Psychology; video
The effect of the alpha chamber as a medium for modeling golf performance
Nyhus, Susan Billek
Number of pages
Degree date
School code
DAI-A 53/11, Dissertation Abstracts International
Place of publication
Ann Arbor
Country of publication
United States
The University of Utah
University location
United States -- Utah
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Document type
Dissertation/thesis number
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.
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